An introduction into numerical analysis for students in mathematics, physics, and engineering. Instead of attempting to exhaustively cover everything, the goal is to guide readers towards the basic ideas and general principles by way of the main and important numerical methods. The book includes the necessary basic functional analytic tools for the solid mathematical foundation of numerical analysis -- indispensable for any deeper study and understanding of numerical methods, in particular, for differential equations and integral equations. The text is presented in a concise and easily...
An introduction into numerical analysis for students in mathematics, physics, and engineering. Instead of attempting to exhaustively cover everything,...
Many important reference works in Banach space theory have appeared since Banach's "Theorie des Operations Lineaires," the impetus for the development of much of the modern theory in this field. While these works are classical starting points for the graduate student wishing to do research in Banach space theory, they can be formidable reading for the student who has just completed a course in measure theory and integration that introduces the L_p spaces and would like to know more about Banach spaces in general. The purpose of this book is to bridge this gap and provide an introduction to...
Many important reference works in Banach space theory have appeared since Banach's "Theorie des Operations Lineaires," the impetus for the development...
The time has now come when graph theory should be part of the education of every serious student of mathematics and computer science, both for its own sake and to enhance the appreciation of mathematics as a whole. This book is an in-depth account of graph theory, written with such a student in mind; it reflects the current state of the subject and emphasizes connections with other branches of pure mathematics. The volume grew out of the author's earlier book, Graph Theory -- An Introductory Course, but its length is well over twice that of its predecessor, allowing it to reveal many exciting...
The time has now come when graph theory should be part of the education of every serious student of mathematics and computer science, both for its own...