Genetic Engineering, Volume 25 contains discussions of contemporary and relevant topics in genetics, including: - Genotyping by Mass Spectrometry; - Development of Targeted Viral Vectors for Cardiovascular Gene Therapy; - Practical Applications of Rolling Circle Amplification of DNA Templates; - Bacterial ION Channels; - Applications of Plant Antiviral Proteins; - The Bacterial Scaffoldin: Structure, Function and Potential Applications in the Nanosciences. This principles and methods approach to genetics and genetic engineering is essential reading for...
Genetic Engineering, Volume 25 contains discussions of contemporary and relevant topics in genetics, including: - Genotyping by M...
Genetic Engineering, Volume 24 contains discussions of contemporary and relevant topics in genetics, including: -Gene silencing: principles and applications, -Integrins and the myocardium, -Plant virus gene vectors: biotechnology and applications in agriculture and medicine, -Novel approaches to controlling transcription, -Use of DNA polymorphisms in genetic mapping, -Application of FLP/FRT site-specific DNA recombination system in plants. This principles and methods approach to genetics and genetic engineering is essential reading for all academics, bench scientists, and industry...
Genetic Engineering, Volume 24 contains discussions of contemporary and relevant topics in genetics, including: -Gene silencing: principles and applic...
This volume, as with the previous books in the series, presents state-of-the-art discussions in genetics and genetic engineering by focusing on plant science and technology, agriculture, cell biology, and medical research.
This volume, as with the previous books in the series, presents state-of-the-art discussions in genetics and genetic engineering by focusing on plan...
Aspects of genetic engineering research emphasized in this volume are applications to plants (crop plants and grass, both important for human needs) and new methodologies, such as Tar cloning, which make it much easier to isolate specific regions from complex genomes. Another subject discussed is linear DNA replication of prokaryotes.
Aspects of genetic engineering research emphasized in this volume are applications to plants (crop plants and grass, both important for human needs)...
The newest installment in this superb series presents descriptions of the latest DNA recombinants molecule technology. The text combines reports on basic research in genetics with discussions of specific new industrial applications (as well as refinements of older ones) that are likely to prove highly profitable in the years to come.
The newest installment in this superb series presents descriptions of the latest DNA recombinants molecule technology. The text combines reports on ...
This volume is the first of a series concerning a new tech nology which is revolutionizing the study of biology, perhaps as profoundly as the discovery of the gene. As pointed out in the introductory chapter, we look forward to the future impact of the technology, but cannot see where it might take us. The purpose of these volumes is to follow closely the explosion of new tech niques and information that is occurring as a result of the newly acquired ability to make particular kinds of precise cuts in DNA molecules. Thus we are particularly committed to rapid publication. Jane K. Setlow...
This volume is the first of a series concerning a new tech nology which is revolutionizing the study of biology, perhaps as profoundly as the discover...
Over the past decade, our laboratory and others have been concerned with molecular archaeological studies aimed at revealing the origins and evolutionary histories of permeases (1). These studies have revealed that several different families, defined on the basis of sequence similarities, arose independently of each other, at different times in evolutionary history, following different routes. When complete microbial genomes first became available for analysis, we adapted p- existing software and designed new programs that allowed us quickly to identify probable transmembrane proteins,...
Over the past decade, our laboratory and others have been concerned with molecular archaeological studies aimed at revealing the origins and evolution...