A comprehensive guide to the assessment scales, interviews, and questionnaires for ADHD for children, adolescence, and adults.
Written by world-renowned experts in psychiatry, specifically in ADHD. Dr Conners' work in this book is invaluable as he is the author of the most widely used assessment scales in the field.
A follow-up of the 2003 first edition of the Guide to Assessment Scales in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (also written by Dr Conners and Dr Kollins)
Concise analysis of the most useful and popular scales assessing ADHD for children, adolescents,...
A comprehensive guide to the assessment scales, interviews, and questionnaires for ADHD for children, adolescence, and adults.
The purpose of this book is to present an account of several different studies of the relationship of food additives to child behavior and learn ing problems. Because the outcome of these studies has deep, personal interest for many parents and their children, I have tried to present the studies in such a way that the logic and evidence of the studies is com prehensible to informed adults interested in weighing the facts for themselves. Unfortunately, the facts do not always follow a straightfor ward course. Part of my purpose has been to show the complexities lying in the way of the answers...
The purpose of this book is to present an account of several different studies of the relationship of food additives to child behavior and learn ing p...