Ce livre est un breve introduction a la theologie chretienne. Son but est d'aider a comprendre les doctrines essentielles de la foi chretienne. Il se distingue par sa profondeur dans l'etude des ecritures, l'economie d'espace, la discussion logique, avec un exposition nette et claire des grande verites doctrinales. Il continent une mine d'information bibliques pour ceux qui desirent se familiariser avec les doctrines contenues dans la Bible."
Ce livre est un breve introduction a la theologie chretienne. Son but est d'aider a comprendre les doctrines essentielles de la foi chretienne. Il se ...
This book comes packaged in digestible units of single meditation readings that indicate causes and suggest cures of burnout. These I have designated by the medical sign for prescription-Rx followed by info-med for information and meditation.Thirteen crucial areas of cause and cure provide the book's framework. In each of the thirteen divisions are seven sections. This volume spans over a quarter of a year for small group interaction (13 sections in 13 weeks, each week divided into 7 days) or for private reading and processing.
This book comes packaged in digestible units of single meditation readings that indicate causes and suggest cures of burnout. These I have designated ...