In 41 essays the author of the classic work on dog behavior, Culture Clash, helps us understand what really motivates dogs, corrects our wrong-headed notions about canine behavior and explains how to solve problems. Taken from actual case files. Enlightening
In 41 essays the author of the classic work on dog behavior, Culture Clash, helps us understand what really motivates dogs, corrects our wrong-headed ...
Is it fear or bravado that causes some dogs to want to "take on" other dogs? Learn how to analyze the underlying causes for dog-dog aggression and retrain your dog so she can play nicely with others.
Is it fear or bravado that causes some dogs to want to "take on" other dogs? Learn how to analyze the underlying causes for dog-dog aggression and ret...
Liebe Jean, mein Hund bellt jedes Mal wie verrckt, wenn es an der Haustr klingelt So hnlich beginnen die zahlreichen Briefe hilfesuchender Hundebesitzer an Amerikas bekannteste Expertin fr Hundeverhalten. Jean Donaldson wei nicht nur praktischen Rat, sondern rollt auch gleichermaen verstndlich wie unterhaltsam die verhaltenskundlichen Hintergrnde der verschiedensten Problemverhalten auf. Daneben befasst sie sich auch mit so hei diskutierten Fragen wie: Gibt es in Wolfsrudeln eine feste Rangordnung, soll man im Training Leckerchen fttern, und wie beeinflussen Gene das Verhalten? Alle...
Liebe Jean, mein Hund bellt jedes Mal wie verrckt, wenn es an der Haustr klingelt So hnlich beginnen die zahlreichen Briefe hilfesuchender Hundebesit...
The book that has shaped modern dog training and ownership with its unique and scientifically sound recognition of the "cultural" differences between dogs and humans. Dogs can't read so you need to in order to really understand your dog.
The book that has shaped modern dog training and ownership with its unique and scientifically sound recognition of the "cultural" differences between ...