International Review of Research in Mental Retardation is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classification systems, syndromes, etc. of mental retardation. Contributors come from wide-ranging perspectives, including genetics, psychology, education, and other health and behavioral sciences.
International Review of Research in Mental Retardation is now available online at ScienceDirect -- full-text online of volumes 23 onwards.
Elsevier book series on ScienceDirect gives multiple users throughout an institution simultaneous online access to an...
International Review of Research in Mental Retardation is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classification system...
Understanding Mental Retardation constitutes a guide to research and theory for specialists and students alike. Throughout, Edward Zigler and Robert M. Hodapp draw on our knowledge of normal development to inform their discussion of various aspects of retardation. Two introductory chapters provide the developmental framework for this discussion. Topics addressed include issues of definition, classification, and prevalence; motivation and personality factors; intervention in the lives of organically and so-called familial retarded persons; the possibility of 'miracle cures'; and the problems...
Understanding Mental Retardation constitutes a guide to research and theory for specialists and students alike. Throughout, Edward Zigler and Robert M...
Issues in the Developmental Approach to Mental Retardation is one of the first books exclusively devoted to applying the theories, findings and approaches used in work with nonretarded children to several types of retarded individuals. It defines the developmental approach and explores theoretical issues as they relate to retarded populations. Problems involving similar sequences of development, cross-domain relations, the environment, and motivation are all discussed, as is the importance of separating the various etiological groups for research and intervention purposes. This book will be...
Issues in the Developmental Approach to Mental Retardation is one of the first books exclusively devoted to applying the theories, findings and approa...
Development and Disabilities offers the first "multi-disability" developmental approach to children with mental retardation, deafness, blindness and motor impairments. The book is divided into three sections. Section 1 describes the organismic and contextual aspects of modern-day developmental approaches, along with such historical precursors as Werner, Piaget, and Vygotsky. Section 2 examines the most interesting aspects of development in each of the four disabilities. For each of these disabilities, the author describes studies related to child development, mother-child interaction, and...
Development and Disabilities offers the first "multi-disability" developmental approach to children with mental retardation, deafness, blindness and m...
Elisabeth Dykens Brenda M. Finucane Robert M. Hodapp
New genetic causes of mental retardation are being discovered at rapid rates every day more people are diagnosed with specific syndromes. This comprehensive and timely guide identifies characteristics of people who have these syndromes to help you understand their behaviors and their needs, so you'll be able to provide better interventions and create wider community inclusion.
You'll get easy-to-read, detailed discussions of four major syndromes Down, Williams, fragile X, and Prader-Willi on genetic causes and implications, prevalence, basic physical characteristics, cognitive profiles,...
New genetic causes of mental retardation are being discovered at rapid rates every day more people are diagnosed with specific syndromes. This comp...
International Review of Research in Mental Retardation is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classification systems, syndromes, etc. of mental retardation. Contributors come from wide-ranging perspectives, including genetics, psychology, education, and other health and behavioral sciences. Volume 38 of the series offers chapters on autism intervention research, health, development and intellectual disabilities, perceptual-motor deficits in Down syndrome, and psychopathology in individuals with intellectual disabilities.
*Provides the most...
International Review of Research in Mental Retardation is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classification sys...
International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classification systems, syndromes, etc. of developmental disabilities. Contributors come from wide-ranging perspectives, including genetics, psychology, education, and other health and behavioral sciences.
Volume 42 of the series offers chapters on a variety of themes.
Provides the most recent scholarly research in the study of developmental disabilities
A vast range of perspectives is offered, and many topics are...
International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classifica...
International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classification systems, syndromes, etc. of developmental disabilities. Contributors come from wide-ranging perspectives, including genetics, psychology, education, and other health and behavioral sciences.
Provides the most recent scholarly research in the study of developmental disabilities
A vast range of perspectives is offered, and many topics are covered
An excellent resource for academic researchers
International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classifica...
International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classification systems, syndromes, etc. of developmental disabilities. Contributors come from wide-ranging perspectives, including genetics, psychology, education, and other health and behavioral sciences.
Provides the most recent scholarly research in the study of developmental disabilities
A vast range of perspectives is offered, and many topics are covered
An excellent resource for academic researchers
International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classificatio...
International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities is an ongoing scholarly look at the latest research on the causes, effects, classification systems, syndromes, etc. of developmental disabilities.
Contributors from wide-ranging perspectives, including genetics, psychology, education, and other health and behavioral sciences make this book a must have for both researchers, practitioners, and those interested in the science behind developmental disabilities.
Provides the most recent scholarly research in the study of developmental...
International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities is an ongoing scholarly look at the latest research on the causes, effects, ...