As electronic technology reaches the point where complex systems can be integrated on a single chip, and higher degrees of performance can be achieved at lower costs, designers must devise new ways to undertake the laborious task of coping with the numerous, and non-trivial, problems that arise during the conception of such systems. On the other hand, shorter design cycles (so that electronic products can fit into shrinking market windows) put companies, and consequently designers, under pressure in a race to obtain reliable products in the minimum period of time. New methodologies, supported...
As electronic technology reaches the point where complex systems can be integrated on a single chip, and higher degrees of performance can be achieved...
As electronic technology reaches the point where complex systems can be integrated on a single chip, and higher degrees of performance can be achieved at lower costs, designers must devise new ways to undertake the laborious task of coping with the numerous, and non-trivial, problems that arise during the conception of such systems. On the other hand, shorter design cycles (so that electronic products can fit into shrinking market windows) put companies, and consequently designers, under pressure in a race to obtain reliable products in the minimum period of time. New methodologies, supported...
As electronic technology reaches the point where complex systems can be integrated on a single chip, and higher degrees of performance can be achieved...