Joe "Duff" McBride's new book, A Tale of Two Gimps: "Such Is Life," tells the eye-opening and, at times, sidesplitting story of his misadventures as a self-titled "gimp"--the result of a car accident as a teenage boy that left him physically disabled, but with his sense of humor fully intact. His witty perspective on life, especially the difficulties of his new situation, is shared and even amplified by his friendship with "Mouse," another teenage boy who finds himself in a similar predicament. When the two teens become acquainted at a rehabilitation hospital in Philadelphia, they are both...
Joe "Duff" McBride's new book, A Tale of Two Gimps: "Such Is Life," tells the eye-opening and, at times, sidesplitting story of his misadventures as a...
The purpose of this book is to examine urban forests in cities around the world. Constraints and opportunities imposed on urban forest composition, design, and management by the ecological characteristics of these biomes will be examined.
The purpose of this book is to examine urban forests in cities around the world. Constraints and opportunities imposed on urban forest composition, de...