This is an English translation of one of Plato s great dialogues of Socrates talking about death, dying, and the soul due to his impending execution. Included is an introduction and glossary of key terms.
Focus Philosophical Library translations are close to and are non-interpretative of the original text, with the notes and a glossary intending to provide the reader with some sense of the terms and the concepts as they were understood by Plato s immediate audience."
This is an English translation of one of Plato s great dialogues of Socrates talking about death, dying, and the soul due to his impending execution. ...
-Where does happiness lie?- -What is the best life?- Aristotle ponders these abiding questions in his Nicomachean Ethics--a work which has profoundly influenced Western thinking on ethical matters. A book of apparent obviousness, the Ethics possesses a depth and complexity that a reader at first may overlook or not grasp. In his study, In Pursuit of the Good, Eric Salem guides and deepens the reader's understanding of Aristotle's masterpiece, thus helping him to decide what the Good Life should be.
The choice for Aristotle is between the life of action and the life of...
-Where does happiness lie?- -What is the best life?- Aristotle ponders these abiding questions in his Nicomachean Ethics--a work which has p...