This new volume on Biological Invasions deals with both plants and animals, differing from previous books by extending from the level of individual species to an ecosystem and global level. Topics of highest societal relevance, such as the impact of genetically modified organisms, are interlinked with more conventional ecological aspects, including biodiversity. The combination of these approaches is new and makes compelling reading for researchers and environmentalists.
This new volume on Biological Invasions deals with both plants and animals, differing from previous books by extending from the level of individual...
This new volume on Biological Invasions deals with both plants and animals, differing from previous books by extending from the level of individual species to an ecosystem and global level. Topics of highest societal relevance, such as the impact of genetically modified organisms, are interlinked with more conventional ecological aspects, including biodiversity. The combination of these approaches is new and makes compelling reading for researchers and environmentalists.
This new volume on Biological Invasions deals with both plants and animals, differing from previous books by extending from the level of individual...
Der Autor gibt in dieser 2. vollig uberarbeiteten und aktualisierten Ausgabe nicht nur eine Bestandsaufnahme, sondern setzt Themen wie das Wachstum der menschlichen Bevolkerung, ihre Versorgung mit Nahrung und Energie und die Veranderung der Umwelt in einen historischen Zusammenhang. Trends werden beschrieben, komplexe Wechselwirkungen systematisiert. Er bezieht dabei deutlich Stellung, entwickelt eigene Ideen und zeigt trotz teilweise dusterer Fakten Losungsansatze auf. Illustriert mit anschaulichen Beispielen, umfassenden Hintergrunddaten und vielen Abbildungen sind die einzelnen Kapitel...
Der Autor gibt in dieser 2. vollig uberarbeiteten und aktualisierten Ausgabe nicht nur eine Bestandsaufnahme, sondern setzt Themen wie das Wachstum de...
Recently another book on insect physiology was published. It was restricted to a few focal points as are many of these new insect physiology books, but there was considerable depth in its specialized point of view. We were dis cussing the structure of this book and of insect physiology books, in general, when Prof. Remmert asked me " . . . and what about books on spider physio logy?" Silence. Then I started to explain "oh yes, there is a congress pro ceedings volume on this topic and there is a group with excellent publica tions on another topic . . .," but I felt that this answer was weak....
Recently another book on insect physiology was published. It was restricted to a few focal points as are many of these new insect physiology books, bu...
With over 43,000 species, spiders are the largest predacious arthropod group. They have developed key characteristics such as multi-purpose silk types, venoms consisting of hundreds of components, locomotion driven by muscles and hydraulic pressure, a highly evolved key-lock mechanism between the complex genital structures, and many more unique features. After 300 million years of evolutionary refinement, spiders are present in all land habitats and represent one of the most successful groups of terrestrial organisms.
Ecophysiology combines functional and evolutionary aspects of...
With over 43,000 species, spiders are the largest predacious arthropod group. They have developed key characteristics such as multi-purpose silk ty...