While flicking through some photographs of a holiday in the Caribbean in 2009 Craig Jordan was appalled by what he saw, an overweight out of shape middle aged man on a very slippery slope. Craig decided there and then on a campaign to get "Fit for Fifty" and this became his mantra but the question was which sport? Over the next few months he was a regular visitor in the gym and went out and bought a mountain bike but nothing seemed to inspire and getting the journey to get fit seemed destined to fail. On a whim Craig entered a local triathlon and from that moment was hooked on the sport that...
While flicking through some photographs of a holiday in the Caribbean in 2009 Craig Jordan was appalled by what he saw, an overweight out of shape mid...
Pharmacologic interventions to prevent the evolution of human cancers are still in its infancy, although a good number o- mostly controlled - clinical studies have been performed in the past two decades. However, regarding the partially stagnating therapeutic results of major epithelial cancer types such as breast-, lung-, colon- and ENT-cancer types, the problem of in- terference with the evolution of disease at a preclinical level is an intriguing one, and the field seems to develop into one of the fastest growing domaines of modern oncology. This process is fa- cilitated by the...
Pharmacologic interventions to prevent the evolution of human cancers are still in its infancy, although a good number o- mostly controlled - clinical...