In the grand tradition of the epic novel, Boris Pasternak's masterpiece brings to life the drama and immensity of the Russian Revolution through the story of the gifted physician-poet, Zhivago; the revolutionary, Strelnikov; and Lara, the passionate woman they both love. Caught up in the great events of politics and war that eventually destroy him and millions of others, Zhivago clings to the private world of family life and love, embodied especially in the magical Lara.
First published in Italy in 1957, Doctor Zhivago was not allowed to appear in the Soviet...
In the grand tradition of the epic novel, Boris Pasternak's masterpiece brings to life the drama and immensity of the Russian Revolution th...
Major statements by the celebrated Russian poet Boris Pasternak (1890-1960) about poetry, inspiration, the creative process, and the significance of artistic/literary creativity in his own life as well as in human life altogether, are presented here in his own words (in translation) and are discussed in the extensive commentaries and introduction. The texts range from 1910 to 1946 and are between two and ninety pages long. There are commentaries on all the texts, as well as a final essay on Pasternak's famous novel, Doctor Zhivago, which is looked at here in the light of what it says on art...
Major statements by the celebrated Russian poet Boris Pasternak (1890-1960) about poetry, inspiration, the creative process, and the significance of a...
Available for the first time in a single volume, the two influential and well-circulated pamphlets that comprise "Abolish Work" offer cutting-edge class analysis and critiques of daily life from the frontlines of the class war accompanied by uncensored, innovative illustrations. Abolish Restaurants is an illustrated guide to the daily miseries, stress, boredom, and alienation that restaurant work can entail, as well as the ways in which restaurant workers fight against these. It draws on a range of anticapitalist ideas as well as considerable personal experience. Work, Community, Politics,...
Available for the first time in a single volume, the two influential and well-circulated pamphlets that comprise "Abolish Work" offer cutting-edge cla...