In a quiet rural town in, Alberta, Canada, a young woman finds herself drawn irrevocably to a love she never sought, then cannot escape by geographical distance or even spiritual plane. Can the link forged in life transcend the death of her lover as his spirit hovers around her? Ashes of Destruction is author Susan Grace's enthralling debut novel of love and hope, innocence and betrayal, that mines the depths of romance with its sometimes tragic fallout, when a life is shattered by the duplicity and perfidy of a lover. Ashes of Destruction tells the story of Stacey, a young British woman...
In a quiet rural town in, Alberta, Canada, a young woman finds herself drawn irrevocably to a love she never sought, then cannot escape by geographica...
Legacy of Betrayal is both a prequel and a sequel to Ashes of Destruction and underlines the inevitability of the interaction between Destiny, Karma, the spirit world and living beings. The prequel answers questions posed by readers of Ashes of Destruction about the past relationship between the Mackenzies, the Logans, and the Zienkos. It provides the backdrop to the tragedies that followed decades later and reinforces how Destiny seems to guide those events. The unexpected interaction between Cassie Mackenzie and Chuck Logan in some ways mirrors the later relationship between Stacey...
Legacy of Betrayal is both a prequel and a sequel to Ashes of Destruction and underlines the inevitability of the interaction between Destiny, Karma, ...
Legacy of Betrayal is both a prequel and a sequel to Ashes of Destruction and underlines the inevitability of the interaction between Destiny, Karma, the spirit world and living beings. The prequel answers questions posed by readers of Ashes of Destruction about the past relationship between the Mackenzies, the Logans, and the Zienkos. It provides the backdrop to the tragedies that followed decades later and reinforces how Destiny seems to guide those events. The unexpected interaction between Cassie Mackenzie and Chuck Logan in some ways mirrors the later relationship between Stacey...
Legacy of Betrayal is both a prequel and a sequel to Ashes of Destruction and underlines the inevitability of the interaction between Destiny, Karma, ...