Mathematics and Computer Science III contains invited and contributed papers on combinatorics, random graphs and networks, algorithms analysis and trees, branching processes, constituting the Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science, held in Vienna in September 2004. It addresses a large public in applied mathematics, discrete mathematics and computer science, including researchers, teachers, graduate students and engineers.
Mathematics and Computer Science III contains invited and contributed papers on combinatorics, random graphs and networks, algorithms analysis and ...
Trees are a fundamental object in graph theory and combinatorics as well as a basic object for data structures and algorithms in computer science. During thelastyearsresearchrelatedto(random)treeshasbeenconstantlyincreasing and several asymptotic and probabilistic techniques have been developed in order to describe characteristics of interest of large trees in di?erent settings. Thepurposeofthisbookistoprovideathoroughintroductionintovarious aspects of trees in randomsettings anda systematic treatment ofthe involved mathematicaltechniques. It shouldserveasa referencebookaswellasa basis for...
Trees are a fundamental object in graph theory and combinatorics as well as a basic object for data structures and algorithms in computer science. Dur...
Mathematics and Computer Science III contains invited and contributed papers on combinatorics, random graphs and networks, algorithms analysis and trees, branching processes, constituting the Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science, held in Vienna in September 2004. It addresses a large public in applied mathematics, discrete mathematics and computer science, including researchers, teachers, graduate students and engineers.
Mathematics and Computer Science III contains invited and contributed papers on combinatorics, random graphs and networks, algorithms analysis and ...