This logically organized book covers the following topics: Part 1 introduces statistical concepts as they apply to different fields of environmental and agriculture sciences and provides descriptive measures of central tendency and variability; Part 2 covers probability and sampling concepts used in inferential statistics; Part 3 presents parametric methods in hypothesis testing, which include research designs; Part 4 discusses a number of nonparametric techniques; Part 5 explains tests of association and prediction; and lastly, analysis of change over time is detailed in Part 6. The...
This logically organized book covers the following topics: Part 1 introduces statistical concepts as they apply to different fields of environmental a...
A. Reza Hoshmand Hoshmand Reza Hoshmand Reza A. Hoshmand
Written to meet the needs of both students and applied researchers, Design of Experiments for Agriculture and the Natural Sciences, Second Edition serves as an introductory guide to experimental design and analysis. Like the popular original, this thorough text provides an understanding of the logical underpinnings of design and analysis by selecting and discussing only those carefully chosen designs that offer the greatest utility. However, it improves on the first edition by adhering to a step-by-step process that greatly improves accessibility and understanding. Real problems from...
Written to meet the needs of both students and applied researchers, Design of Experiments for Agriculture and the Natural Sciences, Second Edition ...