This collection of exercises is meant as a companion volume to the textbook Fluid Mechanics. It is the translation of the second edition of Aufgaben zur Stromungslehre. The book contains about 200 problems worked out in detail. In selecting the exercises I have been guided by didactical consider ations and included problems that demonstrate the application of the gen eral principles of continuum mechanics to more or less classical problems in fluid mechanics. Most of these problems are found in other textbooks or collections. On the other hand, there is a good number of exercises designed to...
This collection of exercises is meant as a companion volume to the textbook Fluid Mechanics. It is the translation of the second edition of Aufgaben z...
This successful textbook emphasizes the unified nature of all the disciplines of Fluid Mechanics as they emerge from the general principles of continuum mechanics. The different branches of Fluid Mechanics, always originating from simplifying assumptions, are developed according to the basic rule: from the general to the specific. The first part of the book contains a concise but readable introduction into kinematics and the formulation of the laws of mechanics and thermodynamics. The second part consists of the methodical application of these principles to technology. In addition,...
This successful textbook emphasizes the unified nature of all the disciplines of Fluid Mechanics as they emerge from the general principles of cont...
Dimensionsbetrachtungen reichen bis in die Anfange der Mechanik und besonders der Stromungslehre zuruck. Zu der Fortentwicklung dieser Wissenschaften und zu dem Er kenntnisfortschritt der Naturwissenschaften allgemein haben Dimensionsbetrachtungen wesentliche Beitrage geliefert und oft richtungsweisend neue Wissensgebiete eroffnet. Leider verdeckt der Hinweis auf dimensions analytisch begrundete Ansatze leicht die hin ter diesen Ansatzen stehende geistige Leistung und verfuhrt zur Annahme, dass sich die Muhen neuer Erkenntnisse durch hastige, rezeptartige Anwendungen dimensionsana lytischer...
Dimensionsbetrachtungen reichen bis in die Anfange der Mechanik und besonders der Stromungslehre zuruck. Zu der Fortentwicklung dieser Wissenschaften ...