The Gendered Cyborg explores the relationship between representation, technoscience and gender, through the metaphor of the cyborg. The contributors argue that the figure of the cyborg offers ways of thinking about the relationship between culture and technology, people and machines which disrupt the power of science to enfore the categories through which we think about being human: male and female. Taking inspiration from Donna Haraway's groundbreaking Manifesto for Cyborgs, the articles consider how the cyborg has been used in cultural representation from reproductive...
The Gendered Cyborg explores the relationship between representation, technoscience and gender, through the metaphor of the cyborg. The contr...
Bringing together key writings, this text explores the relationship between representation, technoscience and gender, through the metaphor of the cyborg. While the contributors argue that the cyborg provides new ways to think about the relationship between culture and technology and between women and machines, they also question whether the cyborg represents a challenge to, or simply another representation of, gendered categories in science. The articles are grouped into thematic sections, exploring: the ways in which Western science has produced and represented gender, discussing the...
Bringing together key writings, this text explores the relationship between representation, technoscience and gender, through the metaphor of the cybo...