Over the last decade, Carol Gray's Social Stories approach has become established as a highly effective way of teaching social and life skills to children on the autism spectrum. Taking the form of short narratives, the Stories in My Social Stories Book take children step by step through basic activities such as brushing your teeth, taking a bath and getting used to new clothes. It also helps children to understand different experiences such as going to school, shopping and visiting the doctor. These stories are written for preschoolers aged from two to six, and the book is a useful primer...
Over the last decade, Carol Gray's Social Stories approach has become established as a highly effective way of teaching social and life skills to chil...
Carol Gray combines stick-figures with -conversation symbols- to illustrate what people say and think during conversations. Showing what people are thinking reinforces that others have independent thoughts - a concept spectrum children don't intuitively understand. Children can also recognize that, although people say one thing, they may think something quite different - another concept foreign to -concrete-thinking- children. Children can draw their own -comic strips- to show what they are thinking and feeling about events or people. Different colors can represent different states of mind....
Carol Gray combines stick-figures with -conversation symbols- to illustrate what people say and think during conversations. Showing what people are th...
This unique and easy-to-use lesson plan was developed to share information about autism spectrum disorders with general education students, to explain behaviors that might otherwise be misinterpreted as frightening, odd, or rude. Reviewing of the five senses with students creates the perfect introduction to their sixth--or social--sense. Then the perspective-taking activities focus on how other people see, hear, touch, taste, and smell, and how that can affect the way they feel and think. The Sixth Sense II is more comprehensive than the previous release and is appropriate for...
This unique and easy-to-use lesson plan was developed to share information about autism spectrum disorders with general education students, to expl...