Thomas (Professor of Philosophy, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz) Metzinger
According to Thomas Metzinger, no such things as selves exist in the world: nobody ever had or was a self. All that exists are phenomenal selves, as they appear in conscious experience. The phenomenal self, however, is not a thing but an ongoing process; it is the content of a "transparent self-model." In Being No One, Metzinger, a German philosopher, draws strongly on neuroscientific research to present a representationalist and functional analysis of what a consciously experienced first-person perspective actually is. Building a bridge between the humanities and the empirical...
According to Thomas Metzinger, no such things as selves exist in the world: nobody ever had or was a self. All that exists are phenomenal selves, a...
We're used to thinking about the self as an independent entity, something that we either have or are. In The Ego Tunnel, philosopher Thomas Metzinger claims otherwise: No such thing as a self exists. The conscious self is the content of a model created by our brain--an internal image, but one we cannot experience as an image. Everything we experience is "a virtual self in a virtual reality."
But if the self is not "real," why and how did it evolve? How does the brain construct it? Do we still have souls, free will, personal autonomy, or moral accountability? In a time...
We're used to thinking about the self as an independent entity, something that we either have or are. In The Ego Tunnel, philosopher Thomas Met...
Eine serise philosophische Untersuchung muss ein wohldefiniertes epistemisches Ziel besitzen. Das bedeutet, dass wir bereits am Anfang einer Untersuchung in der Lage sein sollten, klar und deutlich zu sagen, was wir eigentlich wissen wollen, was genau das Erkenntnisziel der berlegungen sein soll. Das philosophische Problem des Bewusstseins besteht zum Teil darin, dass bereits dieser erste Schritt besonders schwer ist: Was genau ist es eigentlich, das wir wissen wollen? Worin genau besteht das Problem des Bewusstseins? Und wann htten wir das Gefhl, dass das Problem endgltig gelst...
Eine serise philosophische Untersuchung muss ein wohldefiniertes epistemisches Ziel besitzen. Das bedeutet, dass wir bereits am Anfang einer Untersuch...