This volume contains the proceedings of the vVorkshop on Trees held in Versailles on 14-16 June 1995. Why: a workshop on trees? Two main reasons motivated this workshop. First, the current plethora of tree representations in branching processes which has be- come obvious by the Minneapolis IMA Congress Classica] and Modern Branching Processes in 1994. But this would not have been sufficient to organize an "n-th" congress on branching processes. Secondly, regular discussions with researchers in algebra and computing sciences at the University of Versailles and at INRIA (lnstitut National de...
This volume contains the proceedings of the vVorkshop on Trees held in Versailles on 14-16 June 1995. Why: a workshop on trees? Two main reasons motiv...
This is the second volume in a series of innovative proceedings entirely devoted to the connections between mathematics and computer science. Here mathematics and computer science are directly confronted and joined to tackle intricate problems in computer science with deep and innovative mathematical approaches.
The book serves as an outstanding tool and a main information source for a large public in applied mathematics, discrete mathematics and computer science, including researchers, teachers, graduate students and engineers. It provides an overview of the current questions in...
This is the second volume in a series of innovative proceedings entirely devoted to the connections between mathematics and computer science. Here ...