The death 'Of a child, 'One wh'Ose vulnerability and unfilled promise c'Omp'Ounds the tragedy 'Of any death, t'Ouches us deeply. When that death 'Occurs due t'O the generally unexpected and sudden loss 'Of brain functi'On, it is particularly P'Oignant. And yet, when death c'Omes, it sh'Ould be diag nosed expediti'Ously. The professi'Onal resP'Onsibilities 'Of the physician require that he b'Oth rec 'Ognize brain death and inf'Orm the family 'Of its occurrence. In additi'On, since recent advances in transplantati'On provide the P'Ossibility 'Of using the 'Organs 'Of a brain-dead child t'O save...
The death 'Of a child, 'One wh'Ose vulnerability and unfilled promise c'Omp'Ounds the tragedy 'Of any death, t'Ouches us deeply. When that death 'Occu...