A survey of the state of the art of deterministic resource-constrained project scheduling with time windows. General temporal constraints and several different types of limited resources are considered. A large variety of time-based, financial, and resource-based objectives - important in practice - are studied. A thorough structural analysis of the feasible region of project scheduling problems and a classification and detailed investigation of objective functions are performed, which can be exploited for developing efficient exact and heuristic solution methods. New interesting...
A survey of the state of the art of deterministic resource-constrained project scheduling with time windows. General temporal constraints and sever...
Das vorliegende Material ist das Ergebnis einer intensiven Sammlerttigkeit des Autors auf Reisen, in der Begegnung mit Musikern und Pdagogen, in alltglichen Beobachtungen, in Bchern, Filmen und auf Tontrgern. Der Autor zeigt die Welt der Krpercussion (Musik auf dem lebendigen Krper) von der einfachen Bewegung bis zur Technik fr Rhythmusspezialisten: Vom gestampften Schritt ber Klatschvariationen und -spiele, elementare Rhythmen, Krperklnge und den Rhythmusbaukasten fhrt die Reise zu komplexen Krperkoordinationen und exotischen Spieltechniken.
Das vorliegende Material ist das Ergebnis einer intensiven Sammlerttigkeit des Autors auf Reisen, in der Begegnung mit Musikern und Pdagogen, in alltg...
Due to the increasing importance of product differentiation and collapsing product life cycles, a growing number of value-adding activities in the industry and service sector are organized in projects. Projects come in many forms, often taking considerable time and consuming a large amount of resources. The management and scheduling of projects represents a challenging task and project performance may have a considerable impact on an organization's competitiveness.
This handbook presents state-of-the-art approaches to project management and scheduling. More than sixty contributions...
Due to the increasing importance of product differentiation and collapsing product life cycles, a growing number of value-adding activities in the ...
Due to the increasing importance of product differentiation and collapsing product life cycles, a growing number of value-adding activities in the industry and service sector are organized in projects. Projects come in many forms, often taking considerable time and consuming a large amount of resources. The management and scheduling of projects represents a challenging task, and project performance may have a considerable impact on an organization's competitiveness.
This handbook presents state-of-the-art approaches to project management and scheduling. More than sixty contributions...
Due to the increasing importance of product differentiation and collapsing product life cycles, a growing number of value-adding activities in the ...
Due to the increasing importance of product differentiation and collapsing product life cycles, a growing number of value-adding activities in the industry and service sector are organized in projects. Projects come in many forms, often taking considerable time and consuming a large amount of resources. The management and scheduling of projects represents a challenging task, and project performance may have a considerable impact on an organization's competitiveness.
This handbook presents state-of-the-art approaches to project management and scheduling. More than sixty contributions...
Due to the increasing importance of product differentiation and collapsing product life cycles, a growing number of value-adding activities in the ...
The management and scheduling of projects represents a challenging task, and project performance may have a considerable impact on an organization's competitiveness.This handbook presents state-of-the-art approaches to project management and scheduling.
The management and scheduling of projects represents a challenging task, and project performance may have a considerable impact on an organization's c...
The management and scheduling of projects represents a challenging task and project performance may have a considerable impact on an organization's competitiveness.This handbook presents state-of-the-art approaches to project management and scheduling.
The management and scheduling of projects represents a challenging task and project performance may have a considerable impact on an organization's co...