What if you could sit down and chat with God about anything, anytime? This book introduces people worldwide who dialogue with God on vital questions about everyday living.
What if you could sit down and chat with God about anything, anytime? This book introduces people worldwide who dialogue with God on vital questions a...
This fourth edition of The Mule Companion is a comprehensive book on mules with new photos of many real people and mules doing real mule activities. The Mule Companion has been called an excellent 'mule primer' for those people just getting into mules. However, the book also hosts an in-depth study of why mules do what they do, their idiosyncrasies, training, and problem solving. Also, the book is rich with 'how to' information on: caring for, breeding for, fitting tack on, buying, and mule activities, past and present.
About the Author: Cynthia Attar,...
This fourth edition of The Mule Companion is a comprehensive book on mules with new photos of many real people and mules doing real mule act...
Do you know that you have the innate ability to bring forth amazing wisdom from -upstairs- to discover solutions to most all your questions and problems? Do you know that you naturally have the ability to tap into the universal library of higher wisdom any time you want? Yes, it's true. Profound Writings from Everyday People introduces the idea that tapping into this universal source can readily be available by common, everyday people through the process of free flow writing. This book will teach you how to accomplish this task and also offer many people's inner words of wisdom...
Do you know that you have the innate ability to bring forth amazing wisdom from -upstairs- to discover solutions to most all your questions and pro...
Animals and nature have intelligence, why not a voice? Pets teach us how to be happy and balanced, if we could only hear their message. What wise words do trees offer, if we could take it all in? Does the wind give off more than simply scattered thoughts? Is the river concerned about unplanned changes within its banks?
This fascinating book, Profound Insights with Animals and Nature, displays 67 telepathic chats the author has had with a variety of nature elements: animals, birds, fish, trees, the moon, even a forest fire, and more. If you value nature and are open minded,...
Animals and nature have intelligence, why not a voice? Pets teach us how to be happy and balanced, if we could only hear their message. What wise w...