In this sequel to "Mission of the Galactic Salesman, " a group of teenagers visits an ice cave in Antarctica where they meet two young, lively fellows who have just arrived from Zotola, a planet in the Orion star system. Descendants of the people of Atlantis, they have come to Antarctica to research their Atlantean heritage.
In this sequel to "Mission of the Galactic Salesman, " a group of teenagers visits an ice cave in Antarctica where they meet two young, lively fellows...
This is a science fiction adventure novel about a galactic salesman and his mission to link Earth's telephone network with his home star system of Sirius B. He makes a deal with 8 teenagers, and they help him build a galactic communications device. In exchange for the favor, the galactic salesman gives the teenagers the gift of teleportation by thought, and they take off and have adventures to different places of Earth and also to other star systems like Sirius B, Vega, and the Pleiades. One of their adventures involves searching for the lost ancient crystal stolen from Atlantis over 15,000...
This is a science fiction adventure novel about a galactic salesman and his mission to link Earth's telephone network with his home star system of Sir...
This is a summary and synosis of the 3 science fiction novels: Mission of the Galactic Salesman, Mission Beyond the Ice Cave, and Heritage Findings from Atlantis. A galactic salesman has a mission. With a group of teenagers from Tennessee, they build a galactic communications device, then resolve a problem in Mexico, and finally, with the help of some Atlanteans, build a major galactic phone station in Alaska's northern mountains.
This is a summary and synosis of the 3 science fiction novels: Mission of the Galactic Salesman, Mission Beyond the Ice Cave, and Heritage Findings fr...
Back in 1987 and 1993, Robert Sanders, a native of middle Tennessee, took on two adventures of hiking in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains. The first adventure was hiking the High Sierra Trail in Sequoia National Park from the Giant Forest to Mt. Whitney and back. The second adventure was hiking the entire John Muir Trail from the eastern side of Sequoia National Park north to Yosemite National Park. The scenery and terrain are described along the way, including different types of trees, wildflowers, and wildlife seen.
Back in 1987 and 1993, Robert Sanders, a native of middle Tennessee, took on two adventures of hiking in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains. The fir...