James Sheldon directed many of the radio and televisions shows that shaped the American consciousness. He directed the original radio version of We, The People when it became the first commercial CBS network program to telecast nationally on June 1, 1948. Since then, he experienced technological changes from live to electronic tape to film, from black and white to color, and from a few hundred thousand to multi-millions of television sets that in use today. His early live credits include dramatic series, such as Robert Montgomery Presents and Studio One; comedies, such as Mister Peepers;...
James Sheldon directed many of the radio and televisions shows that shaped the American consciousness. He directed the original radio version of We, T...
TO DO THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL, I had no plan except to put my canoe in the water and paddle. I had done no prior research. I had no backup person or crew. I had no cell phone. I didn't even have a map. I had absolutely no idea what I was in for. From my home near Kansas City, I drove my old junker to the Pacific Coast where, at the mouth of the Columbia River, I donated it to a local salvage yard. Then with no other way home, I set out with canoe and dog on what would become a 4,000 mile journey into the heart of America. I was a newborn Christian, my eyes had only just opened, I was not...
TO DO THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL, I had no plan except to put my canoe in the water and paddle. I had done no prior research. I had no backup person...