One of the most important practical problems in child psychology and psychia try is the differential diagnosis of emotional disorders. Until recently, the gener al mode of assessment had been to apply to children the characteristics of psychopathology that were evident in adults. In addition, there had been few assessment tools available for use with children aside from modified versions of adult instruments. Understandably, this approach was controversial, and dissat isfaction with it led to the more recent knowledge that adult and child problems may be manifested quite differently. The...
One of the most important practical problems in child psychology and psychia try is the differential diagnosis of emotional disorders. Until recently,...
One of the most important practical problems in child psychology and psychia- try is the differential diagnosis of emotional disorders. Until recently, the gener- al mode of assessment had been to apply to children the characteristics of psychopathology that were evident in adults. In addition, there had been few assessment tools available for use with children aside from modified versions of adult instruments. Understandably, this approach was controversial, and dissat- isfaction with it led to the more recent knowledge that adult and child problems may be manifested quite differently. The...
One of the most important practical problems in child psychology and psychia- try is the differential diagnosis of emotional disorders. Until recently...