Exiled to a distant galaxy, Captain Marc W. Miller of the "Starship Eagle" is entangled in a silent revolution that unleashes an intrigue of deadly revenge. While Captain Miller sees an age that has taken the law into their own hands, he entrusts his intrepid crew who travel through the wormholes in space and traverses the vast chasms of the universe on a perilous search for the Emperor Lord Legion.
Hurled into an uncharted realm, they become guided by a solitary code that sends them back to their present time armed with a celestial technology against the corrupt face of intergalactic...
Exiled to a distant galaxy, Captain Marc W. Miller of the "Starship Eagle" is entangled in a silent revolution that unleashes an intrigue of deadly re...
Exiled to a distant galaxy, Captain Marc W. Miller of the "Starship Eagle" is entangled in a silent revolution that unleashes an intrigue of deadly revenge. While Captain Miller sees an age that has taken the law into their own hands, he entrusts his intrepid crew who travel through the wormholes in space and traverses the vast chasms of the universe on a perilous search for the Emperor Lord Legion.
Hurled into an uncharted realm, they become guided by a solitary code that sends them back to their present time armed with a celestial technology against the corrupt face of intergalactic...
Exiled to a distant galaxy, Captain Marc W. Miller of the "Starship Eagle" is entangled in a silent revolution that unleashes an intrigue of deadly re...