The average person has 70,000 thoughts every day, and many of those thoughts trigger a corresponding emotion. No wonder so many of us often feel like we're controlled by our emotions. Our lives would be much improved if we controlled them. In LIVING BEYOND YOUR FEELINGS, Joyce Meyer examines the gamut of feelings that human beings experience. She discusses the way that the brain processes and stores memories and thoughts, and then - emotion by emotion - she explains how we can manage our reactions to those emotions. By doing that, she gives the reader a toolbox for...
The average person has 70,000 thoughts every day, and many of those thoughts trigger a corresponding emotion. No wonder so many of us often feel like ...
Todo el mundo quiere ser amado. Todos necesitamos afirmacion, aceptacion y aprobacion. Seamos realistas; se siente bien ser apreciado y admirado. Pero cuando dependemos de la aprobacion de los demas para sentirnos bien acerca de nosotros mismos, es imposible tener estabilidad emocional o una autoimagen saludable. Y cuando nuestro valor se basa en como la gente nos ve y no en el amor incondicional de Dios por nosotros, nuestro deseo de aprobacion puede convertirse en una adiccion. En LA DOSIS DE APROBACION, la autora de exitos numero 1 del New York Times, Joyce Meyer, le ofrece conocimientos...
Todo el mundo quiere ser amado. Todos necesitamos afirmacion, aceptacion y aprobacion. Seamos realistas; se siente bien ser apreciado y admirado. Pero...
Usted tiene miedo. Si no enfrenta el miedo que siente, este puede paralizarlo y detenerlo de disfrutar la vida al maximo. Joyce Meyer, la autora de exitos de ventas No. 1 del New York Times, desea mostrarle que para deshacerse del miedo tiene que hacerle frente. La buena noticia es que Dios quiere darle la fortaleza que necesita para vencer el temor y vivir valientemente. Por eso le dice repetidamente a traves de la Biblia, "no temas," porque El esta con usted. En Viva valientemente, Joyce explica como puede vencer el debilitante poder del temor al aprender a confrontarlo y conquistarlo. A...
Usted tiene miedo. Si no enfrenta el miedo que siente, este puede paralizarlo y detenerlo de disfrutar la vida al maximo. Joyce Meyer, la autora de ex...
Nearly everything we do in life is the result of our habits. The good ones bring peace, joy and power into our lives, and the bad ones steal our peace and joy and prevent our success. In this book, Joyce Meyer explains how to develop good habits--the things you really want to do--and break the bad ones, putting an end to frustration, discouragement and stress that drains your energy. The most important habit comes first: the God habit. Next comes a willingness to work for the results you want. Joyce reminds us that, "if we don't pay the price for freedom, we will end up paying the price for...
Nearly everything we do in life is the result of our habits. The good ones bring peace, joy and power into our lives, and the bad ones steal our peace...
New York Timesbestselling author Joyce Meyer believes that giving thanks to God daily will positively impact our lives. When we pause to acknowledge His blessings it restores us to a state of spiritual peace. In this 365 day devotional, Joyce offers an inspiring message that will spark an attitude of gratitude in our hearts. Through uplifting Scripture, she illustrates God's never-ending love, inexhaustible grace, and always-accessible presence in our lives. As we develop a renewed outlook, we will better recognize and be further blessed by God's abundant...
New York Timesbestselling author Joyce Meyer believes that giving thanks to God daily will positively impact our lives. When we pau...
Meeting the demands of your busy life may leave little time for you to focus on maintaining your personal well-being. But it is important to remember that each part of you-mind, body, and emotions-serves a purpose in God's exciting plan for your future. Embracing a healthier lifestyle will help you fully experience all the good things He has in store for you. Joyce Meyer, #1 New York Times bestselling author, understands that modern life is hectic and has created a practical plan for achieving good health, one day at a time. Her easy-to-use 12-Key Plan for Good Health will help...
Meeting the demands of your busy life may leave little time for you to focus on maintaining your personal well-being. But it is important to remember ...
El cuerpo que Dios creo es el instrumento para el hombre experimentar una vida plena en la tierra, hacer las buenas obras, y desarrollar su vida espiritual. Para hacer el trabajo que esta destinado a hacer, nuestro cuerpo necesita mantenerse en forma. Debemos mantener una mente, cuerpo y alma sanos. Sin embargo, en el mundo moderno, es muy facil dejar que una, dos, o los tres de estos se pasen por alto. En esta lectura compacta, Joyce presenta su plan de doce claves para hacer frente a la "sequia de autoestima" que perpetua los habitos que causan la mala salud. A medida que explora cada...
El cuerpo que Dios creo es el instrumento para el hombre experimentar una vida plena en la tierra, hacer las buenas obras, y desarrollar su vida espir...
#1 "New York Times" bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers how to transform their lives by tapping into the power of hope. One of the most powerful forces in the universe is hope--the happy and confident anticipation that something good is going to happen. Regardless of where one is in life, it is impossible to live successfully and to the fullest without hope. With GET YOUR HOPES UP Joyce will help readers achieve a lasting sense of hope, built on their faith in God. Hope is only as strong as its source. This book will help readers avoid misplacing their trust in unreliable things,...
#1 "New York Times" bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers how to transform their lives by tapping into the power of hope. One of the most pow...
#1 "New York Times" bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers how to transform their lives by tapping into the power of hope. One of the most powerful forces in the universe is hope--the happy and confident anticipation that something good is going to happen. Regardless of where one is in life, it is impossible to live successfully and to the fullest without hope. With GET YOUR HOPES UP Joyce will help readers achieve a lasting sense of hope, built on their faith in God. Hope is only as strong as its source. This book will help readers avoid misplacing their trust in unreliable things,...
#1 "New York Times" bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers how to transform their lives by tapping into the power of hope. One of the most pow...