In this spirited tale of adventure, Vincent Wingfield, who is not yet sixteen, returns home to Virginia after four years of school in England to find conditions in America greatly unsettled. When war breaks out in 1861, Vincent staunchly supports the rights of slaves but joins Lee's cavalry to fight for the Confederacy. Henty's gripping story, written several decades after the war, weaves the spirited teenager's adventures with real-life events, while providing an acute glimpse of the conflict from a Southern perspective. A prolific 19th-century author, G. A. Henty celebrates family,...
In this spirited tale of adventure, Vincent Wingfield, who is not yet sixteen, returns home to Virginia after four years of school in England to find ...
It is Christmas Eve but eight-year-old Kitty cannot sleep. Through her own thoughtless disobedience, her beloved little brother, Johnny, lies critically ill in bed. That night, Kitty travels in a dream to Naughty Children Land. She meets many strange people, including Daddy Coax who is so tender-hearted that he cannot stand to see naughty children punished, and gives them candy and toys when they are bad, in the hopes he can "coax" them into being good. She also meets the beautiful lady, Love, who offers naughty children the kiss of forgiveness and the opportunity to return to the Path of...
It is Christmas Eve but eight-year-old Kitty cannot sleep. Through her own thoughtless disobedience, her beloved little brother, Johnny, lies critical...
Until the time she is eleven years old, Marie Hamilton lives a peaceful life with her grandmother, parents and younger brother on the family estate in England; however, her life changes dramatically when her family moves to France just before the start of the French Revolution. Marie's father is returning to France at the invitation of Louis XVI to reclaim his title and estates as the Comte de Grandville. The family arrives at the magnificent palace of Versailles and quickly becomes part of privileged court life. All is not well, though, in France and only months later the oppressed and...
Until the time she is eleven years old, Marie Hamilton lives a peaceful life with her grandmother, parents and younger brother on the family estate in...
This charming collection of 45 fairy stories from Grimm was originally published in 1894. The tales are profusely illustrated with the pen and ink drawings of the English artist, Gordon Browne. Pook Press celebrates the great Golden Age of Illustration in childrens literature. Many of the earliest childrens books, particularly those dating back to the 1850s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. Pook Press are working to republish these classic works in high quality editions, using the original text and artwork so these works can delight another generation of...
This charming collection of 45 fairy stories from Grimm was originally published in 1894. The tales are profusely illustrated with the pen and ink dra...
It is Christmas Eve but eight-year-old Kitty cannot sleep. Through her own thoughtless disobedience, her beloved little brother, Johnny, lies critically ill in bed. That night, Kitty travels in a dream to Naughty Children Land. She meets many strange people, including Daddy Coax who is so tender-hearted that he cannot stand to see naughty children punished, and gives them candy and toys when they are bad, in the hopes he can "coax" them into being good. She also meets the beautiful lady, Love, who offers naughty children the kiss of forgiveness and the opportunity to return to the Path of...
It is Christmas Eve but eight-year-old Kitty cannot sleep. Through her own thoughtless disobedience, her beloved little brother, Johnny, lies critical...