The Ebon Quartet consists of four books - "The Ebon Dawn," "The Ebon Spell," "The Ebon Snare," and "The Ebon Star." These books follow the escapades of an individual simply named The Boss and his associates. The Boss runs a large, complicated corporation, but his true interests and desires are to expand and to control the destinies of individuals and change universal history for all time. He has an army of devilish assistants and hungry people who submit to his whims and devious plans. Will he succeed? Will mankind succumb to perpetual dark dawns, wicked spells, and become entrapped for all...
The Ebon Quartet consists of four books - "The Ebon Dawn," "The Ebon Spell," "The Ebon Snare," and "The Ebon Star." These books follow the escapades o...
In this romance fiction, Gayle Setton is a happy, content single person. Then, one eventful day she encounters an intuitive psychic who foretells Gayle is destined to meet another. At first, Gayle struggles and scoffs, but the idea of a soul mate catches her imagination. Join her on her quest towards true love to the knight of her fantasies and perfect soul mate love.
In this romance fiction, Gayle Setton is a happy, content single person. Then, one eventful day she encounters an intuitive psychic who foretells Gayl...