Decolonizing the Stage is a major study devoted to post-colonial drama and theater. It examines the way dramatists and directors from various countries and societies have attempted to fuse the performance idioms of their indigenous traditions with the Western dramatic form. The study provides a theoretically sophisticated, cross-cultural comparative approach to a wide number of writers, regions, and theater movements, ranging from Maori, Aboriginal, and native American theater to Township theater in South Africa.
Decolonizing the Stage is a major study devoted to post-colonial drama and theater. It examines the way dramatists and directors from various countrie...
Providing thorough coverage of the methods and tools required in studying historical and contemporary theatre, this Introduction examines the complexities of a rapidly changing and dynamic discipline. Following a cross-cultural perspective, the book surveys the ways theatre and performance are studied by looking initially at key elements such as performers, spectators and space. The central focus is on methodology, which is divided into sections covering theatre theory, historiography and textual and performance analysis. The book covers all the main theatrical genres - drama, opera and dance...
Providing thorough coverage of the methods and tools required in studying historical and contemporary theatre, this Introduction examines the complexi...
Die vorliegende Untersuchung befat sich mit asthetischen Mischformen des postkolonialen Theaters, d.h. mit dramatischen Texten und Auffuhrungen aus den ehemaligen Koloniallandern des britischen Empire. Im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung steht der Begriff des Theatersynkretismus. Darunter wird eine synthetische Theaterform verstanden, in der die indigenen Kultur- und Darstellungselemente der betreffenden Lander mit europaischen Theaterkonzepten vermischt werden. Untersucht werden Stucke und Theaterformen aus Nigeria, Sudafrika, der Karibik, Australien, Neuseeland und Kanada. In einzelnen, nach...
Die vorliegende Untersuchung befat sich mit asthetischen Mischformen des postkolonialen Theaters, d.h. mit dramatischen Texten und Auffuhrungen aus...