This welcome summary of flow control concepts that are found in the natural world but which also have potential applications in man-made systems, features the work of leading experts and reflects the continually rising profile of this sub-field of biomimetics.
This welcome summary of flow control concepts that are found in the natural world but which also have potential applications in man-made systems, feat...
In this book, leading scientists in the fields of sensory biology, neuroscience, physics and engineering explore the basic operational principles and behavioral uses of flow sensing in animals and how they might be applied to engineering applications such as autonomous control of underwater or aerial vehicles.
Although humans possess no flow-sensing abilities, countless aquatic (e.g. fish, cephalopods and seals), terrestrial (e.g. crickets and spiders) and aerial (e.g. bats) animals have flow sensing abilities that underlie remarkable behavioral feats. These include the ability to...
In this book, leading scientists in the fields of sensory biology, neuroscience, physics and engineering explore the basic operational principles a...
This book is the closing report of the national priority program Nature-Inspired Fluid Mechanics (Schwerpunktprogramm SPP 1207: Stromungsbeeinflussung in der Natur und Technik). Nature-inspired fluid mechanics is one subset of biomimetics, a discipline which has received increased attention over the last decade, with numerous faculties and degree courses devoted solely to exploring 'nature as a model' for engineering applications. To save locomotion energy, evolution has optimized the design of animals such that friction loss is minimized. In addition to many morphological...
This book is the closing report of the national priority program Nature-Inspired Fluid Mechanics (Schwerpunktprogramm SPP 1207: Stromungsbee...
The Lateral Line System provides an overview of the key concepts and issues surrounding the development, evolution, neurobiology, and function of the lateral line, a fascinating yet somewhat enigmatic flow-sensing system. The book examines the historical precedence for linking the auditory and lateral line systems, its structure and development, use of the lateral line system of zebrafish as a model system, physical principles governing the response properties of the lateral line, the behavioral relevance of this sensory system to the lives of fish, and an examination of how this...
The Lateral Line System provides an overview of the key concepts and issues surrounding the development, evolution, neurobiology, and functi...
In this book, leading scientists in the fields of sensory biology, neuroscience, physics and engineering explore the basic operational principles and behavioral uses of flow sensing in animals and how they might be applied to engineering applications such as autonomous control of underwater or aerial vehicles.
Although humans possess no flow-sensing abilities, countless aquatic (e.g. fish, cephalopods and seals), terrestrial (e.g. crickets and spiders) and aerial (e.g. bats) animals have flow sensing abilities that underlie remarkable behavioral feats.These include the ability to...
In this book, leading scientists in the fields of sensory biology, neuroscience, physics and engineering explore the basic operational principles a...
Gegenüber den Säugetieren werden Fische häufig unterschätzt und als weniger komplexe Organismen abgetan. Um diesen voreiligen Schluss zu entkräften, präsentiert Ihnen Horst Bleckmann die hochentwickelten kognitiven Fähigkeiten der Fische.Wussten Sie z.B., dass Fische mit ca. 30.000 Arten die größte Gruppe aller Wirbeltiere stellen und alle aquatischen Lebensräume besiedeln? Für diese immense Leistung haben sie eine Vielzahl von hochspezialisierten Sinnessystemen und Verhaltensweisen entwickelt. Nach neueren Forschungen verfügen Fische zudem nicht nur über äußerst raffinierte...
Gegenüber den Säugetieren werden Fische häufig unterschätzt und als weniger komplexe Organismen abgetan. Um diesen voreiligen Schluss zu entkräft...