Tall, powerful athletes surge toward the goal in the last seconds of a fiercely fought game, providing excitement to an arena full of basketball fans. Increasingly, challenging games like this are being played by women's college teams. With the passage of Title IX and the success of the WNBA (Women's National Basketball League), women's college teams have received more support and attention both from academic institutions and basketball fans. One of the primary reasons for the growing interest in women's college basketball is the dedication of the women who coach these student athletes to...
Tall, powerful athletes surge toward the goal in the last seconds of a fiercely fought game, providing excitement to an arena full of basketball fans....
Even though the people of Afghanistan have in general suffered under the rule of the Taliban, women live especially difficult lives, enduring terrible hardships. They are denied basic human rights, forced to wear veil and kept in seclusion. This work addresses the religion, revolution, and national identity of Afghani women and places them within their gender-political and religious-political roles, thus elevating our understanding of their abuse, imprisonment and murder, and offering a basis for their rehabilitation. Powerful and moving interviews with Afghani women conducted and translated...
Even though the people of Afghanistan have in general suffered under the rule of the Taliban, women live especially difficult lives, enduring terrible...
This work explores how the relationships of blood, marriage, sex and residence work in each type of Cuban family, particularly as it is affected by Cuba's struggle to transform its economy. It also examines historical perspectives on the contemporary Cuban family and ethnicity.
This work explores how the relationships of blood, marriage, sex and residence work in each type of Cuban family, particularly as it is affected by Cu...
In Africa, women leaders have a strong legacy. Female pharaohs ruled ancient Egypt, queens and queen mothers have reigned throughout contemporary Africa, and women across the continent have led modern liberation movements. This books wide-ranging examination of African women leaders focuses especially on women in elected or appointed national government positions. The author provides an extensive analysis of the progress made by women leaders in each individual country, as well as an overall analysis of the historical role of women in African governments. In addition, the book offers in-depth...
In Africa, women leaders have a strong legacy. Female pharaohs ruled ancient Egypt, queens and queen mothers have reigned throughout contemporary Afri...
This book examines the changing roles of Afghani women in the aftermath of the overthrow of the oppressive Taliban regime in 2001. It describes the success of women in the workforce, and evaluates how their achievements have come about in a nation that struggles to overcome years of poverty, corruption, regional conflicts, and the overwhelming destruction of war. The book also covers the unique health challenges faced by women and families living in Afghanistan, focusing on recent developments in maternal and reproductive health care, the lingering problems associated with food shortages, and...
This book examines the changing roles of Afghani women in the aftermath of the overthrow of the oppressive Taliban regime in 2001. It describes the su...
Women have been excluded from combat roles for most of American history. During conflicts such as the American Civil War, a few women enlisted as men; in some cases, their identities as women were not discovered until after their deaths. Today, the nontraditional battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan have no clearly defined front lines, and many female soldiers have found themselves face-to-face with the enemy. Yet despite the realities of modern warfare, the subject of women serving in combat roles remains highly controversial.
"Women in Combat: A Reference Handbook" examines the...
Women have been excluded from combat roles for most of American history. During conflicts such as the American Civil War, a few women enlisted as m...
Suicide warfare has expanded over the years and become a global phenomenon. In some parts of the world, it has become rooted in the fabric of society. Westerners often find it difficult to grasp why someone would be willing to sacrifice their life in order to take the lives of others. "Suicide Warfare: Culture, the Military, and the Individual as a Weapon" provides a thorough examination of the topic that enables readers to understand the justification for suicide warfare and better appreciate how the ideology of the individuals and organizations that resort to suicide warfare greatly...
Suicide warfare has expanded over the years and become a global phenomenon. In some parts of the world, it has become rooted in the fabric of socie...
Abuse, a key theme of health education curricula, is also a major issue faced by many segments of society. Intended for high school students as well as undergraduates and the general reader, this comprehensive encyclopedia explores abuse in all its forms--physical, sexual, emotional, and verbal--among a variety of age and demographic groups from children to the elderly to the disabled. It sheds light on causes and symptoms of abuse, examines lasting impacts, and suggests avenues for prevention and treatment.
Specific topics of concern to a secondary school audience include...
Abuse, a key theme of health education curricula, is also a major issue faced by many segments of society. Intended for high school students as wel...
Sexual assault has been an aspect of the U.S. military historically and is today widely recognized as a significant problem with far-reaching repercussions. How does sexual assault negatively impact not only the victims themselves but also the U.S. military's strength, readiness, and morale? This book answers these questions and documents the problems with reporting and prosecuting sexual assault complaints within our armed forces, examines the current policy and laws to identify what changes are needed, and analyzes recent efforts to prevent sexual assault.
Author Rosemarie Skaine...
Sexual assault has been an aspect of the U.S. military historically and is today widely recognized as a significant problem with far-reaching reper...