Meshfree methods for the solution of partial differential equations gained much attention in recent years, not only in the engineering but also in the mathematics community. One of the reasons for this development is the fact that meshfree discretizations and particle models are often better suited to cope with geometric changes of the domain of interest, e.g. free surfaces and large deformations, than classical discretization techniques such as finite differences, finite elements or finite volumes. Another obvious advantage of meshfree discretizations is their independence of a mesh so that...
Meshfree methods for the solution of partial differential equations gained much attention in recent years, not only in the engineering but also in the...
Over the past years meshfree methods for the solution of partial di?erential equations have signi?cantly matured and are used in various ?elds of appli- tions. One of the reasons for this development is the fact that meshfree d- cretizationsandparticlemodels areoftenbetter suitedto copewithgeometric changes of the domain of interest than mesh-based discretization techniques such as ?nite di?erences, ?nite elements or ?nite volumes. Furthermore, the computational costs associated with mesh generation are eliminated in me- free approaches, since they are based only on a set of independent...
Over the past years meshfree methods for the solution of partial di?erential equations have signi?cantly matured and are used in various ?elds of appl...
Dieses Buch gibt eine umfassende Einfuhrung in die verschiedenen Aspekte der modernen Computergraphik. Neben der Diskussion grundlegender Fragestellungen (Koordinatensysteme, Rasterung, Farbmodelle) werden dabei sowohl die geometrische Modellierung dreidimensionaler Objekte als auch deren graphische Darstellung behandelt. Weiterhin wird die Rolle der Computergraphik in aktuellen Anwendungen wie Animation, Visualisierung oder Virtual Reality beleuchtet. Unterstutzt durch zahlreiche, z.T. farbige Illustrationen erhalt der Leser so einen Uberblick uber die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte und Techniken...
Dieses Buch gibt eine umfassende Einfuhrung in die verschiedenen Aspekte der modernen Computergraphik. Neben der Diskussion grundlegender Fragestellun...