Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832) is remembered primarily for Say's Law, one of the cornerstones of classical economics. The success of his Traite d'economie Politique made Say the best-known expositor of Adam Smith in Europe and America, and he became France's first professor of political economy. The set covers the following themes: * Say in the history of economics * classical statements on Say's Law * later statements on Say's Law (the prelude to the General Theory) * the Keynesian Revolution and the attack on Say's Law * Lange, Say's Law and the demand for money *...
Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832) is remembered primarily for Say's Law, one of the cornerstones of classical economics. The success of his Traite d'econo...
Alfred P. Sloan is credited with the invention of the modern corporation. At the helm of General Motors from 1923 to 1946, he had a profound influence on management thinking in America and much of the Western world through his unique, ahead-of-its-time, management style. Sloan's leadership and the sheer success of General Motors led to an enormous amount of study and writings on his contribution to management theory and practice. This set is part of the Critical Evaluations in Business and Management series. Future titles in the series will include: George Elton...
Alfred P. Sloan is credited with the invention of the modern corporation. At the helm of General Motors from 1923 to 1946, he had a profound influence...
Hayek's reputation has gone through a remarkable cycle. An eminent exponent of the Austrian theory of business cycles in the 1930s, he was worsted in the controversy over Keynes' Treatise on Money (1930). Following this defeat, Hayek retreated into capital theory, an esoteric branch of economics in which few economists then took an active interest. He gave up economics altogether after the war and turned to psychology, political philosophy, philosophy of law and the history of ideas. However, in 1974 he won the Nobel Prize and returned to mainstream economics as a leading critic...
Hayek's reputation has gone through a remarkable cycle. An eminent exponent of the Austrian theory of business cycles in the 1930s, he was worsted ...
John Atkinson Hobson was a controversial figure in the history of economic thought. As an advocate of an apparently fallacious theory of over-saving, a critic of the orthodox theory of distribution, and a proponent of a theory of imperialism which was later taken up by Lenin, Hobson was generally condemned as a heretic by the rest of the economic establishment. His fortunes changed, rather belatedly, in 1936, when Keynes paid tribute to Hobson's work in "The General Theory" as anticipating his own theory that society can, under some circumstances, save too large a proportion of its...
John Atkinson Hobson was a controversial figure in the history of economic thought. As an advocate of an apparently fallacious theory of over-saving, ...
George Elton Mayo (1880-1949) is widely recognized as the progenitor of the human relations movement in management and his work laid the foundations for later management and organizational thinking. Mayo's work highlighted the importance of communication between management and workers and identified the now-accepted notion that work satisfaction, and therefore productivity, lies in recognition, security, and a sense of belonging, rather than monetary rewards. His findings were contrary to the theories of his contemporaries that the worker is motivated solely by self-interest (e.g....
George Elton Mayo (1880-1949) is widely recognized as the progenitor of the human relations movement in management and his work laid the foundations f...
This study, first published in 1983, is primarily concerned with what the British economists over the period 1860 to 1914 wrote on a range of economic and non-economic aspects of the British Empire, and the reasons for their conclusions. The attempt is also made to correct the view that mainstream British economists after 1860 were antithetical to the concept of empire. This title will be of interest to students of economic thought.
This study, first published in 1983, is primarily concerned with what the British economists over the period 1860 to 1914 wrote on a range of econo...