Education: School Safety; What are the best ways to set up and evaluate good alternative schools? It's a difficult question, especially in a day when there are as many alternative schools as there are communities to support them. This book addresses the question from several different angles. From emphasizing the importance of open channels of communication with parents to establishing dialogues with leaders from various relevant sectors, Ms. Mottaz outlines the start-up of a successful alternative school, showing how an alternative school can command not only legitimacy, but respect, in any...
Education: School Safety; What are the best ways to set up and evaluate good alternative schools? It's a difficult question, especially in a day when ...
With over 100 examples of completed dissertations from well-known universities and colleges, this book allows the student to concentrate on what makes sense and what is important to completing his or her research to writing an effective doctoral dissertation or a master's thesis.
With over 100 examples of completed dissertations from well-known universities and colleges, this book allows the student to concentrate on what makes...
This book is user-friendly for doctoral students and their faculty advisors; the author harvests the components that consistently appear in dissertations, guiding today's doctoral students through the dissertation process.
This book is user-friendly for doctoral students and their faculty advisors; the author harvests the components that consistently appear in dissertati...
This book focuses on using faculty mentoring to empower doctoral students to successfully complete their doctoral studies. The book is a collection of mentoring chapters showcasing professors and dissertation advisors from the most prestigious universities in the United States. They provide an extraordinary range of mentoring advice that speaks directly to the doctoral student. Each chapter addresses a professional or personal component of the doctoral process that represents how these exceptional faculty best mentor their doctoral students.
This book focuses on using faculty mentoring to empower doctoral students to successfully complete their doctoral studies. The book is a collection of...
Getting It Right: The Essential Elements of the Dissertation was written for graduate students writing their dissertations. Clearly written and organized into five thematic chapters--introduction and rationale; review of literature; methods; results/findings; and interpretation and recommendations--this key writing source includes comprehensive examples taken directly from high-quality, scholarly dissertations. With motivational pep talks for graduate students and appropriate tips for mentors, Getting It Right is a thorough, but reader-friendly guide for both dissertation writers and their...
Getting It Right: The Essential Elements of the Dissertation was written for graduate students writing their dissertations. Clearly written and organi...