The International Workshop CG '88 on "Computational Geometry" was held at the University of Wurzburg, FRG, March 24-25, 1988. As the interest in the fascinating field of Computational Geometry and its Applications has grown very quickly in recent years the organizers felt the need to have a workshop, where a suitable number of invited participants could concentrate their efforts in this field to cover a broad spectrum of topics and to communicate in a stimulating atmosphere. This workshop was attended by some fifty invited scientists. The scientific program consisted of 22 contributions, of...
The International Workshop CG '88 on "Computational Geometry" was held at the University of Wurzburg, FRG, March 24-25, 1988. As the interest in the f...
This volume presents the proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Computational Geometry. Topics include: the Voronoi diagram, rectangular objects, path determination, moving objects, visibility questions, layout problems, spatial objects and queries, higher dimensions, implementation, and relations to AI.
This volume presents the proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Computational Geometry. Topics include: the Voronoi diagram, rectangular...
One ofthe most important aspects in research fields where mathematics is "applied is the construction of a formal model of a real system. As for structural relations, graphs have turned out to provide the most appropriate tool for setting up the mathematical model. This is certainly one of the reasons for the rapid expansion in graph theory during the last decades. Furthermore, in recent years it also became clear that the two disciplines of graph theory and computer science have very much in common, and that each one has been capable of assisting significantly in the development of the...
One ofthe most important aspects in research fields where mathematics is "applied is the construction of a formal model of a real system. As for struc...
Das Buch enthalt eine Einfuhrung in graphentheoretische Grundbegriffe und Basissatze. Graphen werden als Modellierungswerkzeuge fur verschiedene Anwendungen aus dem Bereich der Standortplanung, Logistik, Verkehrsplanung, des Scheduling und der Planung von Kommunikationsnetzen vorgestellt. Fur die entstehenden graphentheoretischen Probleme werden effiziente Verfahren vorgestellt und rigoros analysiert. Fur komplexitatstheoretisch "schwierige" Probleme enthalt das Buch effiziente Naherungsverfahren, die schnell Losungen mit beweisbarer Gute liefern."
Das Buch enthalt eine Einfuhrung in graphentheoretische Grundbegriffe und Basissatze. Graphen werden als Modellierungswerkzeuge fur verschiedene Anwen...