An examination of state-of-the-art methodology for mining time series databases. The data mining methods presented include techniques for efficient segmentation, indexing, and classification of noisy and dynamic time series. A graph-based method for anomaly detection in time series is described.
An examination of state-of-the-art methodology for mining time series databases. The data mining methods presented include techniques for efficient se...
This book is concerned with a fundamentally novel approach to graph-based pattern recognition based on vector space embedding of graphs. It aims at condensing the high representational power of graphs into a computationally efficient and mathematically convenient feature vector.
This volume utilizes the dissimilarity space representation originally proposed by Duin and Pekalska to embed graphs in real vector spaces. Such an embedding gives one access to all algorithms developed in the past for feature vectors, which has been the predominant representation formalism in pattern recognition...
This book is concerned with a fundamentally novel approach to graph-based pattern recognition based on vector space embedding of graphs. It aims at co...
Der Band enthalt die Vortrage, die auf dem 10. DAGM-Symposium Ende September 1988 in Zurich gehalten wurden. Die DAGM veranstaltet seit 1978 jahrlich an verschiedenen Orten ein wissenschaftliches Symposium mit dem Ziel, Aufgabenstellungen, Denkweisen und Forschungsergebnisse aus verschiedenen Gebieten der Mustererkennung vorzustellen, den Erfahrungs- und Ideenaustausch zwischen den Fachleuten anzuregen und den Nachwuchs zu fordern. Die Beitrage zum Symposium kommen aus dem gesamten deutschen Sprachraum und daruber hinaus. Die DAGM ist Mitglied der International Association for Pattern...
Der Band enthalt die Vortrage, die auf dem 10. DAGM-Symposium Ende September 1988 in Zurich gehalten wurden. Die DAGM veranstaltet seit 1978 jahrlich ...
Many business decisions are made in the absence of complete information about the decision consequences. Credit lines are approved without knowing the future behavior of the customers; stocks are bought and sold without knowing their future prices; parts are manufactured without knowing all the factors affecting their final quality; etc. All these cases can be categorized as decision making under uncertainty. Decision makers (human or automated) can handle uncertainty in different ways. Deferring the decision due to the lack of sufficient information may not be an option, especially in...
Many business decisions are made in the absence of complete information about the decision consequences. Credit lines are approved without knowing the...
Graph theory has strong historical roots in mathematics, especially in topology. Its birth is usually associated with the "four-color problem" posed by Francis Guthrie 1 in 1852, but its real origin probably goes back to the Seven Bridges of Konigsber ] g 2 problem proved by Leonhard Euler in 1736. A computational solution to these two completely different problems could be found after each problem was abstracted to the level of a graph model while ignoring such irrelevant details as country shapes or cross-river distances. In general, a graph is a nonempty set of points (vertices) and the...
Graph theory has strong historical roots in mathematics, especially in topology. Its birth is usually associated with the "four-color problem" posed b...
Document image analysis is the automatic computer interpretation of images of printed and handwritten documents, including text, drawings, maps, music scores, etc. Research in this field supports a rapidly growing international industry. This is the first book to offer a broad selection of state-of-the-art research papers, including authoritative critical surveys of the literature, and parallel studies of the architectureof complete high-performance printed-document reading systems. A unique feature is the extended section on music notation, an ideal vehicle for international sharing of basic...
Document image analysis is the automatic computer interpretation of images of printed and handwritten documents, including text, drawings, maps, music...
Dieses Buch bietet eine systematische Einfuhrung in dieses neue Arbeitsfeld der automatischen Bildanalyse. Es behandelt samtliche wichtigen Teilaspekte, beginnend mit der Gewinnung von Tiefenbildern durch passive und aktive Verfahren uber die Extraktion charakteristischer Flachenmerkmale und die Segmentierung bis hin zur modellbasierten Objekterkennung. Daneben werden konkrete Anwendungen der Tiefenbildanalyse vorgestellt. Die Didaktik des Buches erlaubt es Forschern und Praktikern, sich selbstandig in dieses Gebiet einzuarbeiten. Das teilweise schwer zugangliche Material wurde in...
Dieses Buch bietet eine systematische Einfuhrung in dieses neue Arbeitsfeld der automatischen Bildanalyse. Es behandelt samtliche wichtigen Teilaspekt...
Der vorliegende Band behandelt Verfahren der Kunstlichen Intelligenz (KI) in der Bild- und Sprachanalyse, also in einem Teilgebiet der Mustererkennung (ME). Die Definition und Abgrenzung von Begriffen wie KI und ME wird in der Literatur nicht einheitl ich gehandhabt; es ist aber wichtig daran zu erinnern, dass beide aus ihrer Fruhzeit gemeinsame Wurzeln haben. Die Fahigkeit zur Erkennung von Mustern, und ganz allgemein zur Wahrnehmung der Umwelt mit geeigneten Sensoren, wurde als wesentl i che Vorau ssetzung fur autonom agi erende "i nte 11 i gente" tech nische Systeme angesehen. Einerseits...
Der vorliegende Band behandelt Verfahren der Kunstlichen Intelligenz (KI) in der Bild- und Sprachanalyse, also in einem Teilgebiet der Mustererkennung...
One of the series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, this book covers subjects including the Harvard binocular head; heads, eyes, and head-eye systems; a binocular robot head with torsional eye movements; and escape and dodging behaviours for reactive control.
One of the series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, this book covers subjects including the Harvard binocular head; heads, eyes, and ...
This text is the result of a special workshop on spatial computing. The common theme of the workshop was the need to integrate human perception and domain knowledge with developing representations and solutions to problems which necessarily involve the interpretation of sensed data.
This text is the result of a special workshop on spatial computing. The common theme of the workshop was the need to integrate human perception and do...