Quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of subatomic particles, seems to challenge common sense. Waves behave like particles; particles behave like waves. You can tell where a particle is, but not how fast it is moving--or vice versa. An electron faced with two tiny holes will travel through both at the same time, rather than one or the other. And then there is the enigma of creation ex nihilo, in which small particles appear with their so-called antiparticles, only to disappear the next instant in a tiny puff of energy. Since its inception, physicists and philosophers have...
Quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of subatomic particles, seems to challenge common sense. Waves behave like particles; particles beh...
Adalbert de Vogue has been called the greatest modern commentator on the Rule of Saint Benedict. This monk, who has been living as a hermit for many years, presents us an in-depth study and an absorbing new look at St. Benedict, the man who transformed Europe and Western Civilization. It is a definitive work, written with eloquence and depth.
Adalbert de Vogue has been called the greatest modern commentator on the Rule of Saint Benedict. This monk, who has been living as a hermit for many y...