From the mixed blood of his white father and his Cherokee ancestors, John Dane is a born warrior who finds his niche when he joins the United States Marines and goes to fight in Korea. Here, he learns to unleash his violent instincts fighting Korea's Chinese Communists.
From the mixed blood of his white father and his Cherokee ancestors, John Dane is a born warrior who finds his niche when he joins the United States M...
"The Coasts of War" was the first full-length novel of Americans fighting in Vietnam . . . a "black beret" American, his South Vietnamese officers and men occupy a dangerous and lonely outpost. Their mission is to prevent coastal reinforcement of the local Viet Cong, protect or pacify the local village, and carry the war, when and as possible, against the enemy.
"The Coasts of War" was the first full-length novel of Americans fighting in Vietnam . . . a "black beret" American, his South Vietnamese officers and...