A humorous collection of short stories set in the 1950s in rural southeastern Oregon. The lighthearted and innocent escapades of a country girl, her family and neighbors, while living a simple and unsophisticated life on the family ranch.
A humorous collection of short stories set in the 1950s in rural southeastern Oregon. The lighthearted and innocent escapades of a country girl, her f...
Lessons learned at the ranch beneath the rim. "Mommy and Grandma stood nearby, and Daddy told them how he wished there was someone to help him gather the cattle for the springtime branding. Year-by-year our herd of cattle grew larger and larger and now it was more than a one-person job to gather the cows into the corrals behind the barn. "I said, 'I can help you, Daddy.'"
Lessons learned at the ranch beneath the rim. "Mommy and Grandma stood nearby, and Daddy told them how he wished there was someone to help him gather ...