work for small problems, but it introduces signi?cant accidental complexities when tackling larger problems. Notethattherealchallengehereisnothowtodesignthesystemtotakeap- ticular aspect into account: there is signi?cant design know-how in industry on this and it is often captured in the form of design patterns. Taking into account more than one aspect can be a little harder, but many large scale successful projects in industry provide some evidence that engineers know how di?erent concerns should be handled. The real challenge is reducing the e?ort that the engineerhasto...
work for small problems, but it introduces signi?cant accidental complexities when tackling larger problems. Notethattherealchallengehereisnothowtodes...
- Those who want to learn about AOM ?nd in this special issue a concise collection of descriptions of solid and mature AOM approaches. They only have to take the time to understand one case study in order to appreciate the sample models shown in all papers. - Those who want to apply AOM for a particular purpose and are looking for the most appropriate AOM technique can use the papers presented in this specialissue to identify the mostpromisingapproach(es).By identifying similarities between their problem and the case study they should be able to determine candidate AOM approaches easily. -...
- Those who want to learn about AOM ?nd in this special issue a concise collection of descriptions of solid and mature AOM approaches. They only have ...