This popular text, now in its fourth edition, "unpacks" the various dimensions of literacy-linguistic and other sign systems; cognitive; sociocultural; and developmental-and at the same time accounts for the interrelationships among them. Distinguished by its examination of literacy from a multidimensional and interdisciplinary perspective, it provides a strong conceptual foundation upon which literacy curriculum and instruction in school settings can be grounded.
Linking theory and research to practice in an understandable, user-friendly manner, the text provides in-depth coverage...
This popular text, now in its fourth edition, "unpacks" the various dimensions of literacy-linguistic and other sign systems; cognitive; sociocultu...
This popular text, now in its fourth edition, "unpacks" the various dimensions of literacy--linguistic and other sign systems; cognitive; sociocultural; and developmental--and at the same time accounts for the interrelationships among them. Distinguished by its examination of literacy from a multidimensional and interdisciplinary perspective, it provides a strong conceptual foundation upon which literacy curriculum and instruction in school settings can be grounded.
Linking theory and research to practice in an understandable, user-friendly manner, the text provides in-depth...
This popular text, now in its fourth edition, "unpacks" the various dimensions of literacy--linguistic and other sign systems; cognitive; sociocult...