Geostatistics Rio 2000 includes fifteen contributions, five of which are on applications in petroleum science and ten are on mining geostatistics. These contributions were presented at the 31st International Geological Congress, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 6-17 August, 2000. Stochastic simulation was the key theme of these case studies. A wide range of methods was used: truncated gaussian and plurigaussian, SIS and SGS, boolean methods and multi-point attractors.
The five contributions on petroleum science focus on different aspects of reservoir characterisation. All...
Geostatistics Rio 2000 includes fifteen contributions, five of which are on applications in petroleum science and ten are on mining geostati...
Linear Geostatistics covers basic geostatistics from the underlying statistical assumptions, the variogram calculation and modelling through to kriging. The underlying philosophy is to give the students an indepth understanding of the relevant theory and how to put it into practice. This means going into the theory in more detail than most books do, and also linking it with applications. It is assumed that readers, students and professionals alike, are familiar with basic probability and statistics, and matrix algebra needed for solving linear systems. Some reminders on these are given in an...
Linear Geostatistics covers basic geostatistics from the underlying statistical assumptions, the variogram calculation and modelling through to krigin...
When this two-day meeting was proposed, it was certainly not conceived as a celebration, much less as a party. However, on reflection, this might have been a wholly appropriate gesture because geostatistical simulation came of age this year: it is now 21 years since it was first proposed and implemented in the form of the turning bands method. The impetus for the original development was the mining industry, principally the problems encountered in mine planning and design based on smoothed estimates which did not reflect the degree of variability and detail present in the real, mined values....
When this two-day meeting was proposed, it was certainly not conceived as a celebration, much less as a party. However, on reflection, this might have...
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xvii LIST OF PARTICIPANTS xix PLENARY SESSIQNS KRIGE D.G., GUARASCIO M. and CAMISANI-CALZOLARI F.A. Early South African qeostatistical techniques in today's perspective ...1 MATHERON G. The internal consistency of models in qeostatistics...21 MONESTIEZ P., HABIB R. and AUDERGON J.M. Estimation de la covariance et du varioqramme pour une fonction aleatoire a support arborescent: application a l'etude des arbres fruitiers ...39 CHILES J.P. Modelisation qeostatistique de reseaux de fractures...57 BRUNO R. and RASPA G. Geostatistical characterization of fractal models of surfaces...
This book contains selected contributions from the Workshop on Geostatistical Simulations, which was held in Fontainebleau, May 1993. The papers included are an accurate reflection of the current debates, applications and research interests in geostatistical simulation. Nowadays, in addition to the original turning bands method, there are several other established methods of geostatistical simulation. The continued development of these methods is driven by problems encountered in the implementation of existing methods, e.g. the search for more efficient algorithms, the desire to incorporate...
This book contains selected contributions from the Workshop on Geostatistical Simulations, which was held in Fontainebleau, May 1993. The papers inclu...
Geostatistics Rio 2000 includes fifteen contributions, five of which are on applications in petroleum science and ten are on mining geostatistics. These contributions were presented at the 31st International Geological Congress, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 6-17 August, 2000. Stochastic simulation was the key theme of these case studies. A wide range of methods was used: truncated gaussian and plurigaussian, SIS and SGS, boolean methods and multi-point attractors.
The five contributions on petroleum science focus on different aspects of reservoir characterisation. All...
Geostatistics Rio 2000 includes fifteen contributions, five of which are on applications in petroleum science and ten are on mining geostati...
It is now nearly 25 years since the first textbook on geostatistics ("Traitj de gjostatistique appliquje" by G. Matheron) appeared in print in 1962. In that time geostatis- tics has grown from an arcane theory regarded with scepticism by statisticians and miners alike, to a reputable scientific disci- pline which is routinely used in the geosciences. In the mining industry, in particularly, comparisons between predicted reserve estimates and actual production figures have proved its worth. Few now doubt its usefulness as a statistical tool in the earth sciences. Over the past quarter of a...
It is now nearly 25 years since the first textbook on geostatistics ("Traitj de gjostatistique appliquje" by G. Matheron) appeared in print in 1962. I...