Crucible tells the tale of a young man named Tony who grew up on the city streets of Brooklyn. Tony's background is one of an absentee father and mother who were in and out of his life. So many of the life lessons he should have gotten by way of example were absent as well. Lessons like, forgiveness, grace, mercy and most of all love and how to make it work. His picture was murky at best. Having seen far more examples of what NOT TO DO, he was at a loss when he became an adult as to how to make all of the relationships in his life permanent without all the venom, the adult from his childhood,...
Crucible tells the tale of a young man named Tony who grew up on the city streets of Brooklyn. Tony's background is one of an absentee father and moth...
Recent years have seen a growing interest in undetermined and unqualified urban spaces. Understanding cities as spaces for encounter, conflict and otherness, this book argues that this indeterminacy is not marginal but a key characteristic of urban space, and degrees of liberty foster change, creativity, and political action. The urban void is a conceptual construct that aims to render a principle of absence apprehensible, and to describe how it intervenes in place-making in the city.
Seville: Through the Urban Void build mostly upon Henri Lefebvre s work using concepts...
Recent years have seen a growing interest in undetermined and unqualified urban spaces. Understanding cities as spaces for encounter, conflict and ...