Blending numerous heritages, wisdoms, and teachings, this powerfully wrought book encourages people to take charge of their lives, heal themselves, and grow.
Movingly rendered, The Book of the Vision Quest is for all who long for renewal and personal transformation. In this revised edition--with two new chapters and added tales from vision questers--Steven Foster recounts his experiences guiding contemporary seekers. He recreates an ancient rite of passage--that of "dying," "passing through," and "being reborn"--known as a vision quest. A sacred ceremony that culminates in...
Blending numerous heritages, wisdoms, and teachings, this powerfully wrought book encourages people to take charge of their lives, heal themselves,...
Here is the fourth edition of Tyler's Honest Herbal: A Sensible Guide to the Use of Herbs and Related Remedies, providing essential botanical information as well as folkloric background of herbal remedies in a clear, accessible style. Unlike other herb books, this book gives you a serious evaluation of both the positive and negative features of the use of the most important herbs for therapeutic purposes. This new edition features additional scientific data on herbs that will enable you to make wise, informed choices about the benefits and risks of herbs currently on the...
Here is the fourth edition of Tyler's Honest Herbal: A Sensible Guide to the Use of Herbs and Related Remedies, providing essential botanical informat...
This interdisciplinary approach to rites of passage comprises 31 essays by outstanding contributors, including Marie-Louise yon Franz, Robert Bly, James Hall, Helen Luke, Victor Turner, and Marion Woodman.
"A watershed book ... an interdisciplinary array of essays highlights both the need for, and importance of, rights of passage to mark important transitions in our lives." -- Thresholds
This interdisciplinary approach to rites of passage comprises 31 essays by outstanding contributors, including Marie-Louise yon Franz, Robert Bly, Jam...
In 12 Jahren Arbeit entstand dieser Klassiker einer initiatorischen Therapie, die sich auf die Vier Jahres-zeiten und Himmelsrichtungen der menschlichen Natur sttzt. Das Buch beschreibt die wirkliche, innere Natur des Menschen auf einsichtige, weise, lebenspraktische, lyrische und humorvolle Art. Es bietet einen neuen - und doch sehr alten - psychologischen Denk- und Handlungsrahmen und ist fr kologen, Anthropologen, Geistliche, Wildnisfhrer und Angehrige lehrender, helfender und heilender Berufe von groem Wert.
In 12 Jahren Arbeit entstand dieser Klassiker einer initiatorischen Therapie, die sich auf die Vier Jahres-zeiten und Himmelsrichtungen der menschlich...