BookWoman is about Rosemary Latimore, a woman who loved books, and had a bookstore in Charlotte, North Carolina. Once upon a time there was a Poplar Street Books. Perhaps it was more than a bookstore. A salon? That's what the writer Dannye Romine called it. And for good reason. Rosemary knew how to reach people, especially writers and artists, and knew how to make them feel inspired. Singing a song beyond us, the poet Chuck Sullivan said later. Rosemary and her Poplar Street Books came along at the right time in Charlotte, just when the city was growing like a teenager and was looking for its...
BookWoman is about Rosemary Latimore, a woman who loved books, and had a bookstore in Charlotte, North Carolina. Once upon a time there was a Poplar S...
James Latimore considers the problem of good results or good reports in the context of his study of one small agency's transition from financial independence to government funding dependence. As Latimore points out, private philanthropy has played a large role in America's social and economic history. In recent years, government funding has flowed into private agencies. What happens when private and public overlap? Does public funding change the direction of an agency? Does it become less client centered and more program oriented? How is this change manifested? What specific changes occur...
James Latimore considers the problem of good results or good reports in the context of his study of one small agency's transition from financial in...