Serving as a call for intellectuals to engage in the cultures they study, this book stresses the importance of a historically informed cultural studies and delves into the discipline's roots in pragmatism, social activism, and radical politics. It also considers the moral and social responsibilities of citizen-intellectuals in the United States.
Serving as a call for intellectuals to engage in the cultures they study, this book stresses the importance of a historically informed cultural studie...
James Carey - scholar, media critic, and teacher of journalists - almost single-handedly established the importance of defining a cultural perspective when analyzing communications. Interspersing Carey's major essays with articles exploring his central themes and their importance, this collection provides a critical introduction to the work of this significant figure. In James Carey: A Critical Reader, sever scholars who have been influenced by him consider his work and how it has affected the development of media studies. Carey has examined the roles the media and the academy have played in...
James Carey - scholar, media critic, and teacher of journalists - almost single-handedly established the importance of defining a cultural perspective...