Time is ubiquitous in information systems. Almost every enterprise faces the problem of its data becoming out of date. However, such data is often valu able, so it should be archived and some means to access it should be provided. Also, some data may be inherently historical, e.g., medical, cadastral, or ju dicial records. Temporal databases provide a uniform and systematic way of dealing with historical data. Many languages have been proposed for tem poral databases, among others temporal logic. Temporal logic combines ab stract, formal semantics with the amenability to efficient...
Time is ubiquitous in information systems. Almost every enterprise faces the problem of its data becoming out of date. However, such data is often val...
Time is ubiquitous in information systems. Almost every enterprise faces the problem of its data becoming out of date. However, such data is often valu- able, so it should be archived and some means to access it should be provided. Also, some data may be inherently historical, e.g., medical, cadastral, or ju- dicial records. Temporal databases provide a uniform and systematic way of dealing with historical data. Many languages have been proposed for tem- poral databases, among others temporal logic. Temporal logic combines ab- stract, formal semantics with the amenability to efficient...
Time is ubiquitous in information systems. Almost every enterprise faces the problem of its data becoming out of date. However, such data is often val...
Das Buch vermittelt umfassende Grundlagen moderner Techniken des verteilten und parallelen Datenmanagements, die das Fundament moderner Informationssysteme bilden. Ausgehend von einer Betrachtung der Architekturvarianten, die sich aus verteilten sowie parallelen Hardwareinfrastrukturen ergeben, werden die Bereiche Datenverteilung, Anfrageverarbeitung sowie Konsistenzsicherung behandelt. Hierbei werden jeweils Verfahren und Techniken fur klassische verteilte, parallele sowie moderne massiv-verteilte bzw. massiv-parallele Architekturen vorgestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Eigenschaften...
Das Buch vermittelt umfassende Grundlagen moderner Techniken des verteilten und parallelen Datenmanagements, die das Fundament moderner Informationssy...