Latin American history - the stuff of wars, elections, conquests, inventions, colonization, and all those other events and processes attributed to adults - has also been lived and partially forged by children. Taking a fresh look at Latin American and Caribbean society over the course of more than half a millenium, this volume explores how the omission of children from the region's historiography may in fact be no small matter.
Latin American history - the stuff of wars, elections, conquests, inventions, colonization, and all those other events and processes attributed to adu...
Latin American history - the stuff of wars, elections, conquests, inventions, colonization, and all those other events and processes attributed to adults - has also been lived and partially forged by children. Taking a fresh look at Latin American and Caribbean society over the course of more than half a millenium, this volume explores how the omission of children from the region's historiography may in fact be no small matter.
Latin American history - the stuff of wars, elections, conquests, inventions, colonization, and all those other events and processes attributed to adu...
In The Museum of Useless Efforts Cristina Peri Rossi renders familiar, everyday situations uncanny through lyrical reinterpretations; at the same time, she somehow makes the uncanny appear quite ordinary. Crafting peculiar-and sometimes claustrophobically small-worlds, Peri Rossi explores the universal themes of desire, violence, and truth and the simultaneous and contradictory human capacities to repress and resist, speak and silence, desire and ignore. In these tales an insomniac is tormented by a stubborn lamb that refuses to jump over the fence; the momentary hesitation of a man on a...
In The Museum of Useless Efforts Cristina Peri Rossi renders familiar, everyday situations uncanny through lyrical reinterpretations; at the same time...
Bruna Verissimo, a youth from the hardscrabble streets of Recife, in Northeast Brazil, spoke with Tobias Hecht over the course of many years, reliving her early childhood in a raging and destitute home, her initiation into the world of prostitution at a time when her contemporaries had scarcely started school, and her coming of age against all odds.
Hecht had originally intended to write a biography of Verissimo. But with interviews ultimately spanning a decade, he couldn't ignore that much of what he had been told wasn t, strictly speaking, true. In Verissimo s recounting of her life, a...
Bruna Verissimo, a youth from the hardscrabble streets of Recife, in Northeast Brazil, spoke with Tobias Hecht over the course of many years, reliving...
Bruna Verissimo, a youth from the hardscrabble streets of Recife, in Northeast Brazil, spoke with Tobias Hecht over the course of many years, reliving her early childhood in a raging and destitute home, her initiation into the world of prostitution at a time when her contemporaries had scarcely started school, and her coming of age against all odds.
Hecht had originally intended to write a biography of Verissimo. But with interviews ultimately spanning a decade, he couldn't ignore that much of what he had been told wasn t, strictly speaking, true. In Verissimo s recounting of her life, a...
Bruna Verissimo, a youth from the hardscrabble streets of Recife, in Northeast Brazil, spoke with Tobias Hecht over the course of many years, reliving...
Featuring 18 contemporary short stories by South Africa's best writers, this work takes readers on a journey through the country's literary landscape, exploring Africa's most popular travel destination as no travel guide can.
Featuring 18 contemporary short stories by South Africa's best writers, this work takes readers on a journey through the country's literary landscape,...